Friday 9 November 2012

Day 100 - Cochin (Kochi), Kerala, India

Day 100 – Hers.

 A really nice day.  We didn’t get up until after 8, then said our goodbyes to those who were leaving this morning and went out for a lovely breakfast.  We have done very little actual shopping up to now, not wanting to carry more than was necessary for longer than necessary – but we had seen some very nice things here - and heard that Sri Lanka does not have nearly the selection of India - so we decided to spend the morning present buying.  Honing our haggling skills on the first couple of shops to be sure of reasonable prices, we set off for the market.  We bought six presents at one stall, pushing the stall holder on price to the point where he had to go check with his father.  A shop owner later told us that it was the best deal he had heard of any tourist getting, only 20 rupees over the wholesale price for each item – quite an accolade.

We also went into a shop that has been in business since 1947 – with actual antiques as well as tourist tat at very reasonable fixed prices.  Unfortunately, it is illegal to take anything over 50 years old out of the country, so antiques were out – but we did buy a few nice trinkets and had a lovely chat with the owners who know the wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury – rather the ex-Archbishop as the new one was appointed today.  In the end, we managed to buy all but 4 of the 26 presents required....not bad going!

We ran into Sam, Lisle and Kylie several times during the morning – also out shopping (it’s not a very big town) and arranged to meet Sam and Lisle for an early dinner before Sam’s taxi to the airport at 6:30.  We also went back to St Francis Church – and actually went in this time to see the tomb of Vasco da Gama.  Quite good timing really, a huge tour group was just going in as we were coming out.

Mid-afternoon saw us back at the hotel, grateful for the air conditioning as we completely repacked our bags to fit in our purchases and chilled (literally) until dinner.  We had hoped to go to the Oceanus Restaurant this evening – Tripadvisor #1 and Sam’s requested salad available – but it didn’t open until 7, so we went back to the Masala Fort where we had eaten lunch our first day here.  I had a delicious crab curry and Rob showed off his newly acquired ability to handle spicy food by ordering a chilli chicken dish, pokara and a coconut sandwich.  Sam got the salad he wanted – coconut, mango and a few greens of some sort – and Lisle had a chicken curry, her last for a while as she has requested a real Aussie meal as soon as she gets home.

After dinner, we said a fond farewell to Sam and Lisle and then went for dessert (blueberry cheesecake, sort of) and coffee.  We showered and read for an hour – early to bed, though – the taxi arrives at 5am.  Off to Sri Lanka in the morning.

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