Saturday, 13 October 2012

Day 72 - Chovar and Kathmandu, Nepal

Day 72 – Hers.

A day of goodbyes.  I had a muzzy head after last night’s farewell dinner at Robin’s home and then farewell drink with our host family.  We had told them that we don’t drink – but it is rude to refuse completely – so I had drunk two small glasses of the local homemade firewater (Rob emptied his second glass into Steve’s cup; Steve didn’t notice and Rob felt fine today...) and I was feeling it today – I am a complete lightweight.

We had our last breakfast of dal bhat and hurried off to school where there was an assembly to celebrate our achievements in the time we had been at the school.  The school gave us scarves and little trophies that say ‘Token of Love’. We each also had to make a little speech. It was quite touching.  I then had ½ a lesson with Class 10 before the school held an earthquake drill – complete with pretend injuries, stretcher bearers, the works.  It was quite amazing to see.

We said our goodbyes to the children and staff, then went to Steve’s friend ‘Coffee Girl’s’ shop for a last cup of tea before trudging up those ridiculously steep steps to the square for the last time.  Rob had to bring the ladder he had borrowed back up as well – it was very lucky that one of the nicest class 10 boys was still around.  He offered to help – and with the two of them carrying it, they were quicker up those steps than I!

We had a coffee with Camilla, Yemen, the baby and various assorted neighbours on the balcony, finished our packing and waited for the taxi Sanju had arranged to take us back to Kathmandu.  It was very sad to leave our little village.  Camilla and her friend made us promise not to forget them and prepared for us the traditional tikka blessing for a safe journey.  Rob and I each were given a red splodge at the top of our forehead and a hard boiled egg to eat.  We gave English air kisses in return, loaded our packs into the taxi and set off.

Kathmandu is just as dusty, crowded and chaotic as we remembered.  We were dropped at the Quest Volunteers’ HQ where we are to spend the night before returning to the Hotel Shakti tomorrow to begin the next leg of our adventure.  Rob took our laundry into Thamel – over 8 kilos worth, even though I’ve kept back the things I can easily wash by hand and later we walked back into Thamel to the New Orleans cafe for dinner.  Rob had a burger and I had creamy chicken and vegetable pasta – not a plate of dal bhat in sight, thank God.  It is delicious – but quite repetitive and I really needed some Western food to restore my equilibrium.  We also went to the tourist supermarket for coffee, razors, sugar  - and furniture polish for Camilla’s new table. (I was actually quite surprised to find it – I had looked all over Chobar and Kirtipur; fancy it being available in a tourist shop....)  The power cut took effect at 7:00, so we walked back in the dark, gave our excuses and retired gratefully to our room.  The bed here is still hard – but the pillows are soft – hurray, hopefully a good night’s sleep lies ahead – and tomorrow we will have access to the internet!

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